If you have a company or small architecture studio and use AutoCad as the main software, you might need this template to improve the quality of your drawing.
You Get?
01 | Autocad Drawing Template by Sakti_Studio, Including:
Best Choice of Line type & Line Width
Best Choice of Color Interface (layers)
Template made by metric measurements, meters, centimeters, & millimeter.
Annotative & Dynamic Blocks
Annotative Text
Annotative Leader (Callout)
Annotative Pattern type (Hatch) with good scale selection
Page setup with Title Blocks for A1/A2/A3 Pepper size
Plot Style with 3 variants color pick (Blue/Red/Black)
Two kind Filters / CTB Files (Color-Dependent Plot Style tables) for general drawing and details drawing.
02 | Sheet set Package by Sakti_Studio, Including:
Sheet set File (.dst) including several layouts integrated with title blocks and page setup
Table of content (automatically updated) synchronized with sheet set
Sheet title, sheet number automatically synchronized with sheet set
03 | Supplement Package by Sakti_Studio, Including:
Sample of Floor Plan, Elevation, and Section
Free! Thousands of CAD Block Compilation Including Furniture, Peoples, Vegetation, vehicles, and many kinds
Instruction in English & Bahasa
Line Thickness

For General Drawing Propose
For Detail Drawing Propose
In this 2020 version of the AutoCAD template, you will get more choice of line thickness for different purposes, and I summarize them in two CTB files, the first for general drawing, and the second for more detailed drawing. There are also sample drawing that you can use as your reference when using this template.
"All the images you see on this page are currently not displaying true quality, the result will be better in PDF file format"
Annotative Block

No matter what scale you use, your model will always adjust it automatically. Yes, right! as I said, in this template, there are several blocks for architect and civil that automatically follow the scale of the drawing you are using, such as grid, level, text, dimension, and more.
Filters | CTB

Sakti Studio CTB (General Black) | Drag your cursor over the image for more details
There are two options for the filter that can be used for general drawing (>1:50) and detailed drawing (<1:50), both of which have different characters with 3 color variants for each CTB, red, blue, black.
"All the images you see on this page are currently not displaying true quality, the result will be better in PDF file format"
Sample of Drawing

CTB Blue
CTB Black
"All the images you see on this page are currently not displaying true quality, the result will be better in PDF file format"
This file can be used in AutoCAD 2013 or later, with the earlier version you can still run this file but I'm not sure if it will run as it should
If you using Autocad 2011 version or lower version the sheet set tool will not work well.
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About AutoCAD Template 2020 Version
I am very excited about your enthusiasm for using this templates, I am very happy to hear this templates help you out with your work, and I have received enough feedback from you to make this template even better. for that, I am quite happy to share this news because the template update will be released in the near future.
Saya sangat senang dengan antusiasme kalian untuk menggunakan template ini, saya juga senang mendengar template ini membantu pekerjaan kalian, dan saya mendapatkan cukup masukan dari kalian semua untuk membuat template ini menjadi lebih baik lagi. untuk itu saya ingin menyampaikan kabar ini, bahwa pembaruan template akan segera dirilis dalam waktu dekat ini.
Q: I have bought this template. Should I buy it again?
Saya telah/akan membeli template ini, apakah saya harus membelinya lagi nanti?
A: Of course not, For those of you who have bought or now will to buy this template, either through Gumroad or via WhatsApp, you can still download the new version update with the link that I will provide for free later.
Tentu tidak, kalian yang sudah membeli atau akan membeli template ini, baik melalui gumroad.com maupun via whatsapp masih bisa mendownloadnya kembali dengan link yang akan saya berikan secara gratis nanti.
Q: What's new in the 2020 version?
Apa yang baru dari versi 2020 ini?
A: I've done a few things regarding updates from your feedback for this template, such as procuring new units for metric and imperial measurements, meters centimeters millimeter inches feet, CTB/Filter for detail and general drawing needs, many fonts and dimensions in different sizes, additional dynamic/annotative blocks, add and update layers (line thickness), more sample drawing cad to guide you, and a few more things.
Saya telah melakukan beberapa hal dari masukan kalian untuk template ini, seperti pengadaan unit baru untuk pengukuran metrik dan imperial, meter centimeter millimeter inci feet, CTB / Filter untuk kebutuhan gambar secara umum dan detail, banyak font dan dimensi dengan ukuran berbeda, dinamis/anotatif block, tambahan dan pembaruan layer (ketebalan garis), lebih banyak contoh gambar untuk memandu kalian, dan beberapa hal lagi.
Tutorial Video
See how my template works
English subtitle
How to use my template
English subtitle